Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A word of thanks to 2nd KL officers

Came back from 2009 Officer Retreat on Sunday, can't say it's good or bad, the only thing i will said is this-- we had a very fruitful retreat.

In 2nd KL, i always believe that God is moving 2nd KL. From the time that it lack of officers, until today we had a stable officer council, i really thank God for all the blessing that He put in 2nd KL. We did had a long meeting from 1.30pm till 7.30pm, but the meeting is not stress at all.

Throughout the meeting, we had covered the revision for year 2009, of course there are sorrow and joy, and problems and solution. As for the new year planning for 2010, i can foresee there are hopes and courage among all my officers, and i truly believe that 2nd KL is growing, with the strong hold from all the officers, 2nd KL will move forward to fulfill God's planning for 2nd KL.

As a Captain in GB, I did have pressure. There are officers older than me, there are officers much experience than me, there are officers same peers with me, and who am i to lead them?? I did asking God about these questions, and God is strengthen my faith, ensuring me to move forward with HIM. To move on, the only think i believe is-- honor God. They always had a verse said-- when you honor God, God will honor you in return. Yes, He is.

From the day i take up the post until today, i did learned a lot. Being a captain in a company is not easy, but God is so good until he showing me each step to move on. I used to think, i'm just a ordinary man in this world, God might forget about me. Even with my little strength, i can't make things change because i'm so tiny.  But, God's planning is different. I never thought i can take up the role as Captain in 2nd KL, and i never thought i can make things change just by a decision i made.

After 2 years taking the role, i don't feel tired at all, because i know that i'm not tired to serve God. Kit told me before-- Serving in a ministry is serving GOD, NOT serving MAN, and i hope that i can bring this thought to all my officers in the council, and i would like to thank them for all their efforts in the GB, THANK YOU my officers, thank you for working in team with me, thank you for supporting me throughout these 2 years. Thank you.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


朋友 。看见这个字眼,就让浦鱼想起身边的一位朋友,一位让浦鱼头皮发痒的朋友。浦鱼不知道朋友的定义是什么,但对浦鱼来说,朋友就是在你有困难时,会不计前较,尽力帮忙。当然,无聊时也会遥个电话给你约你吃饭、喝茶、逛街看戏。但,浦鱼这位朋友不是。





一开始,原本大伙儿都想在周六吃晚餐,只是突然男友的母亲大人说周六要在家吃饭,然后所有的行程都被迫更改到周日。当然,对我们来说更改一天并不是什么大事,就把当天的行程转换去星期天。谁知道第二天,当我们兴致勃勃讨论下午的行程时,浦鱼那朋友突然爆出很不爽的一句话:“为什么你们今天的行程我不懂?” 浦鱼当场傻眼了。什么跟什么嘛,是小姐您自己说不要和我们晚餐的啊,就算您要和我们逛街,您也得搞清楚我们要逛街的地点和我们要晚餐的地方是同一个地方耶。我可没那么空闲当小姐您的司机,和你逛街后还得载您回家后再到回来同一个地方晚餐咧!其他人已不想说话了,浦鱼只好和她解释,但浦鱼在心里发誓,如果可以的话浦鱼再也不会每星期告诉她浦鱼将要去哪儿了!!!!!

